October 12, 2010

this week

1. Thunderstorms.
last night there was a HUGE
thunderstorm. i was at Kyles
dorm about to leave to go home.
so we grabbed my stuff and an 
umbrella and started walking about
a mile to my car. about 1/2 way there
a huge gust of wind came a blew my 
umbrella inside out. so we were like 
forget this. and took off running all 
the way to my car. lets just say we
got SOAKING wet. good times though.

2. Sleeping in
Tuesday are my days where i can
sleep in. well until October 19th that
is. (thats when i start my volleyball class)
So today i slept until about 1230pm.
and it feels so nice! i wish everyday was
like this

3. Test.
I was suppose to have a test
in biology on friday. but my
professor is sooooo scattered 
brained that he thought it was 
next week and my class was showing
him how put our test on friday. and 
he could not believe it. so now our 
test is moved to next week. so i 
have NOOOO tests this week.
im very thankful!

4. Six Flags!
Kyle and I and his family
are going to Six flags this weekend!!!!!
we are leaving out friday afternoon and staying 
at his house in Mckinney and then saturday
heading for Arlington. Im so excited for 1. to meet
his family i hear nothing but good things about them.
and 2. going to fright fest which will be every
weekend in october. i will probably be scared
out of my mind!!!!! 

5. Coming home.
So i must say i am very happy for
Shae because Jeremy is on his
way home from Iraq for R&R.
I cant even imagine how excited she 
must be. Hes only home for 2 weeks. but 
still. its such an EXCITING time for both
of them. haha. Congrats yall. have a good
2 weeks. i love yall!

6. Baseball.
So yes i have been into baseball i whole
bunch lately. and have pretty much
watched every game in the postseason.
i thank Kyle for getting me into baseball. 
i absolutly love watching it and i love yelling
at the players who suck it up. so yah i get
really into it. i cant wait till this weekend when
kyle and I and his family actually play baseball.
and i can show kyle just how good i actually am

 8. Family Traditions
So this weekend is my families
annual 'Back Yard Olympics'
every 3rd weekend in October
all my dads side of the family gets 
together at my aunts ranch and they play
all these different kinds of games and 
have medals for 1st 2nd and 3rd. like 
the real olympics. i am not able to go this
year but my uncle carries around his clip
 board to record everyones score. so i 
decided i would make him a clip board that 
he could use every year just for this event.



 9. Awesome cars
So Haley me and Kyle went to church
Sunday morning and we saw a Ferrari
parked in the parking lot. i was like OMG
its not very often that you see one of those
around here. so yes i took a picture haha

10. WTF were they thinking.
So a girl i work with got me into taking 
pictures of people and the STUPID outfits
they wear. and they make me wonder
WTF were they thinking when they 
got dressed this morning. so here are 
a few of the pictures i got of some people's outfits

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