WOW what an AWESOME weekend
it has been! Kyle and I went to McKinney
for the weekend to see his parents. we
both were super excited. so i decided to
drive the way there. idk why but i did. so
i put in his home address and we started
our suppose to be 3 1/2 hour journey,
well my GPS i guess decided it wanted to
go straight through down town Dallas at 430
on a Friday!!!! so instead of 3 1/2 hours
it took us 5 hours to get to his house....
once we arrived me kyle and his dad
wanted to go down to the baseball fields
to play some baseball (cause baseball is a
HUGE part of their family.) but all the fields
were takin up. so we decided to play catch in
the street. with his mom also. so much fun.
Speaking of baseball. How about them Rangers!!!!
beat the Yankees in the 2nd game 7-2!!!!
Unfortunately i didnt get to watch the game.
but i heard they did an AMAZING job!!!!
So since ive become a huge Rangers fan lately
Kyle and I decided to buy Rangers shirts. but
who knew it would be SO hard to find a place
whose not sold out! i think we went to about 5
different locations to find shirts. when we finally
found some. they actually had my favorite player
Nelson Cruz's shirt! and kyle bought Hamiltons!
haha were going to wear them on game days haha
cheesy i know
Saturday kyle and I decided we would go to Six
Flags. actually that was the whole purpose of the
trip haha. i didnt take my phone into the park so
i didnt get any pictures from the rides. Im pretty
sure ive never been so scared in my life on the
ride called the Titan. But it was a wonderful trip
to six flags.
A few pictures on the way there
this freaked me and kyle out when we
changed lanes and saw this hahaha
Huge and awesome American Flag
The ride kyle wanted to go on. lol jk
Kyle doing his awesome driving
through Dallas to Six flags!
Now all of these are just some
random pictures i got.
Rangers stadium. not a very good
picture cause of the sun
so today (Sunday)Kyle, Me, Lorin,
and Evan (his sister and brother) all
went to look at these HUGE houses.
cause this whole weekend ive been
admiring all the HUGE house that our
in the city. so i wanted to drive through
one of the neighborhoods. so we all went
driving around and started picking up the
flyers for the houses that were for sale to see
pictures of the inside. lol. then we came
across this one for sale that was doing an
open house. so me kyle and lorin (evan could
care less about it hahahahaha) went to
walk throught this beautiful house!!!! omg
it was HUGE and i loved it so much haha.
i didnt get any pictures though. but heres a
few houses that i found on google that are in
McKinney so you can have some idea how
pretty they were and how much id love to live there
restaurants, Chipotle. you make your own HUGE
burrito. it was actually pretty good! just a lot of
food. haha. but i will definitely be going back when
i can find one haha.
What a wonderful weekend it has been.
i would like to thank Kyle for taking me to
his home and being such a wonderful guy!
and also thanks to his parents for everything,
letting me stay at there house and our six
flag tickets and also all the wonderful dinners
they cooked. I love his family!
best weekend eveer!
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