what was the most romantic date you've been on?:
ummm i doont think ive been on a romantic date.
who was your first kiss?:
what was it like?:
i was scared to kiss him cause i was like 10
and Laura my best friend made me. lol
how many people have you kissed?:
in my whole life??? ummmm maybe 20
how many people have you dated?:
real relationships. 3
what was your longest relationship?:
3 years. worst 3 years of my life.
what was your shortest relationship?:
a day. with zack back in 7th grade.
how tall are you?:
Five foot four.
how tall was the shortest person you've dated?:
my height.
how tall was the tallest person you've dated?:
Six foot one or two
what are the names, in order, of the people you've dated?:
out of these, who was the best kisser?:
umm i dont know
who was the worst kisser?:
who was the best bf/gf?:
ummm. maybe zack but
i dont know..
who was the worst bf/gf?:
easy. Dalton
rate each person on a scale of 1-10.:
did you cheat on any of them?:
did any of them cheat on you?:
yes. 2 of them did
in each case, who ended it?:
if THEY did, why?:
if YOU did, why?:
cause they cheated
are you single?:
if yes, is it by choice?:
im trying to do what kyle told
me and give my whole life over
to God and let him take charge
and he will put someone in my
if yes, why?: --
Where did you meet the last person you were in a car with?
shes my sisssyyyy
Besides this survey, what are you doing right now?
watching tv. and texting kyle. and shae
Will you be up before 7am tomorrow?
yup ill wake up at 630
Did you kiss anyone today?
What's the best thing that happened to you today?
dancing around the living room. and getting it
on camera hahaha jk
How old do you think you'll be when you have kids?
im hoping in my 20's
Do you think you'll be married in 5 years?
who knows. hoping but i dont know
Are you waiting for something?
um not really
When was the last time you hugged a member of the opposite sex?
friday. i hugged kyle.
What's your relationship with the last person you texted?
hes a very good friend :D
What did you do today?
slept.cleaned house. went to work.
came home
Do you have a friend of the opposite gender you can talk to?
What is bothering you right now?
nothing really.
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
not really.
How old were you when you first smoked weed?
never smoked weed or smoked anything
Have you ever lived with your girlfriend/boyfriend?
Nope but ive stayed the night before.
Have you ever taken someone back after they've cheated?
Are there any stressful situations in your life?
not anymore.
Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?
depends where i am. at home open lol.
Is there someone you don't ever want to be out of your life?
yes! lots of people
Are you really happy or are you just saying that?
Im actually really happy.
Do you think relationships are hard?
theyve been hard for me..
How do you feel about your relationship status?
im okay with it.
When was the last time you cried?
umm i dont know
Do you have trust issues?
Who was the last person that threw you out of their life?
Do you secretly like someone?
Is there something you want to tell someone?
Who was the last person you had an argument with?
ummm i dont know. maybe jack
Who did you last talk to over the phone?
Has anyone made your day better even if it wasn't by much?
yah kyle did yesterday
What is one thing that you've done that a lot of people said you couldn't?
gymnastics stuff
How's your heart lately?
getting better.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
kyle. last night
Do you prefer to be around people, or by yourself?
around people please.
Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?
a few i think.
What's something you do that really fusturates people who are closest to you?
I dont know. they never tell me it so i guess nothing.
Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?
im hoping not.
oo1. Do you miss someone who you shouldn't right now?
no. i have reasons for missing people
oo2. Do you have any close friends that were adopted?
not that i know of no
oo3. What time did you get up today?
like 10ish
oo4. If you could have any job/talent, what? (regardless if can or not)?
um id like to have my gymnastics talent back
oo5. Who, in your opinion, is the best thriller writer?
i dont know
oo6. Does your Mum eat meat?
oo7. Was your Dad ever in a sports team?
oo8. Do you like apple and cinnamon crumble?
i dont think ive had that but it sounds good
oo9. What's the most interesting thing you've learned today?
ummm all these weird terms im hearing on the discovery health
o1o. Do you prefer thick or thin crusted pizza?
o11. Do you know anyone who is blind?
o12. Do you prefer monkeys or pigs?
pigs. cause of willie
o13. Have you ever had an eerie/paranormal experience? What happened?
o14. Do you own every DVD boxset of your favourite show?
o15. Actually, what is that favourite show?
jersey shore haha
o16. Do you have any friends with the same name as you?
haley haha
o17. How many people of the same name as you have you ever met?
a few.
o18. What day of the month were you born on? Has this number occured alot?
the 14th. and ummm im pretty sure it happens every month
o19. How often do you see your best friend?
every day.
o2o. Do you like cookie dough icecream?
yes i doo
o21. Do you like incense or does it give you headaches?
o22. What sitcoms do you watch?
o23. Do you find Tigers beautiful?
o24. I don't give up easily - is this you?
o25. Do you prefer to watch or attempt?
o26. What do you wish your national flag looked like?
um im pretty happy with our national flag.
o27. What time do you usually have a shower?
when i wake up
o28. Do you believe that people can be psychics?
o29. What is your most notable trait?
You tell me.
o3o. Are you proud of this trait, or ashamed?
o31. Do you like waterfalls?
yes there pretty
o32. If you wrote a song about life right now, what'd it be called?
um i dont know.
o33. If you wrote a novel about your whole life, what'd you call it?
i dont know
o34. Who has the prettiest middle name you know?
me lol i dont know
o35. So, what's your name?
o36. What'd be your name if you took your Mum's middle name?
o37. Would you rather be a farmer or engineer?
engineer. just like my brother
o38. A psychologist or a football coach?
A psychologist...im still learning about football.
o39. Do you shout when you're upset?
o4o. What colour is your favourite vegetable?
o41. Do you get more eye pain or back pain?
o42. When was your last hug?
friday. kyle.
o43. Describe your house to me:
i dont know how to lol.
o44. Why did you chose to wear what you're wearing today?
cause i went to work
o45. Do you like banana milkshake?
nope im not a big fan of bananas.
o46. What do you have in your fruit salads?
o47. Do you have a calendar in your bedroom? What is on it?
yes i do. and it has butterflies on it.
o48. What colour is the sink in your bathroom?
o49. Are you hungry right now?
No im good.
o5o. Where was the last place you ate, except from home?
ummmmm at chilis i think. like forever ago
o51. What was your favourite thing to do as a kid?
tons of things
o52. Do you take any vitamins? Which ones?
o53. Do you get embarrassed easily?
umm not really.
o54. Do you prefer Lion Bars or Toffee Krisps?
ive neber heard of any of these
o55. What do you feel guilty about right now?
Nothing that i can think of
o56. Have you ever lost something really precious to someone else?
o57. When was the last time you wore makeup?
right now. i havnt taken it off yet.
o58. Do you live North, East, South or West?
south of the US. and East of Texas
o59. Is the TV on in the room you're in? What's on?
yah the discovery health channel
o6o. Describe your city/town to me:
small and boring.
o61. Are you a fan of Kings of Leon?
o62. What do you think of the Lion King?
o63. Who makes you feel small/inferior?
no one
o64. Are you protective of your family?
o65. Do you make friends easily, or do you keep to yourself?
I make friends easily
o66. What's your best friends starsign?
which friend?
o67. Do you have a little sister/brother?
o68. Do you download films/tv shows?
o69. What ring size are you?
o7o. Do you like flip flops or do you find them annoying?
love flip flops. thats all i wear, and sparrys
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