July 30, 2010

military spouse rules

You can go with the whole "I can say whatever I wan't, I may pay the consequences but I can do what I want." Congratulations, you've mastered free, now lets work on self control. Bottom line, you are with someone who represents your country, you live in housing set aside for his career, which means you represent him at all times.

truth be told, the Military Wife stereotype didn't create itself. Unfortunately there are an elite group of morons who band together to take us all down, and quite frankly, your one and only job as a Military Wife/girlfriend is to make sure that you don't uphold that name for us.

Rule number one: You're a civilian, your husband is in the military. Did you go through basic? if the answer is no, then you hold no rank, your husband does. And your husband got his rank by working hard, and helping others. therefore your job is not to turn his rank into a tiara. You earned a wedding band, which has nothing to do with his career status. Therefore, if your husband is high ranking, it is your duty to be there for anyone and everyone below you. your job is to educate people without chastising them. It is your job to be a role model. 

Rule number two: Act with class. When you get a bunch of women together there is bound to be conflict. if something bothers you, let it go. If something needs to be said, talk to someone else about it and see if saying it will really make a difference or if it'll just make you feel better. If it's the latter of the two, don't bother. You can reason with the illogical. Dress like you're on a military base. I didn't pay to see those, therefore I don't want to. If you're not getting paid to look like a stripper, don't dress like one. I'm sure your husband loves it. I doubt he enjoys everyone else loving it as well. 

Rule number three: Your husband/boyfriend is your rock. Your husband is the reason you have insurance and a roof over your head. Your husband stuck with you through fights, love, loss, and child birth. You better damn sure stick with him through a deployment. No one made you become a military wife/girlfriend, you could've walked out whenever you wanted, so don't you dare do that to him in the most vulnerable time in his life. Don't ever make him feel selfish for deploying. There's nothing selfish about fighting for everyone in your country, including the ungrateful. Sure you're going to have to raise the kids and hold down the fort for a year, but what's one year compared to the next fifty? What he does for a single year can change the outcome for billions of people for the rest of their lives. There's nothing selfish about that.

Rule number four: Don't be crazy. We have a tendency to be insecure, compare, break down. That's fine, but break down to the wives, try and leave the crazy for us. Our husbands aren't supposed to know how looney we are. Most of the time there's no good reason for it anyways. They love us just as much as we love them, and they miss us just as much as we miss them. If they didn't have to go, they wouldn't. 

Last but not least, rule number five: We're all in this together. We don't need wife on wife crime going on out there. We all know that no one else understand what we're going through so why would we ever want to make another wife's life harder than it already is? Help someone out, start a support group, plan events to keep each other busy. Invited the new enlisted wives to something to make them feel less out of place. Have PCS parties. help each other out.

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